What's New

Deleted the now non-existant linke to Traveller 1248: Spinward States, as it is no longer available with the expiration of Avenger's Traveller license.

Added the Mongoose disclaimer, and some links to Mongoose Publishing.

Added a link to the Traveller 1248: Spinward States sourcebook. My first published work!

Fixed the link to the Avenger Forums in the Links and main pages.
Added a link to Vexxar to the Links and main pages.

Some minor cleanup on the main page.
Added links to the Avenger Forums to the Links and main pages.

Fixed some of the "corrections" on the corrected Darrian subsector.

Created a new version of the Darrian subsector that tries to "correct" things about the canon subsector. It is set in the GTU, but there are several changes from what is given in BtC (obviously).

Made soem minor corrections to the Dot Maps.

Added a link to A Miracle of Science to the Links and main pages.

Added a link to Starslip Crisis to the Links and main pages.

Added links to The Traveller Hub, Signal GK, Atomic Rocket, and DED's Dice Roller to the Links page.
Added a link to Atomic Rocket to the main page, too.
Cleaned up a couple of entries on the main page, and added a few minor graphics.

Some minor link cleanup.

Included some dotmaps of the Domain of Deneb at different time periods in the Traveller universe.

Did a couple of typo fixes on the main page.

Finally updated the 50 Reasons CT is Great page.  The total now stands at 85, which looks to be the final count.

Added a new Downloads page.  This page is on a different site (with different rules).

Replaced all military base codes for the Daryen and Florian League pages with "M" to be consistent with the later standardization of independent bases.
Added details to the Florian League pages to reflect information found in the Third Imperium fanzine.

Redid the Darrian and SW map on the GT maps page as Enos is still part of the Sword Worlds after all (another piece of unpublished BtC errata).

Redid all of the GURPS Traveller ships in the shipyard to take advantage of the information in GT:Starships.

Added a page of the 50 Reasons CT is Great.

Added a Year 1117 page for the Florian League.
Split the Darrian and SW map on the GT maps page.

Added a link to DED's Die Roller to my main page.  This is primarily for my purposes, but, hey, it is useful.

Reorganized the site somewhat to segregate the Daryen history pages.  Please let me know if you find any broken links.
Added a new page on the Florian League.

Crap.  I screwed up with both the Darrian/SW and the Arden maps.  They should now be correct.

Put the GT Darrian/SW map on its own page.  Added a Federation of Arden map to that page, too.

Created a two+ subsector map of the GT Darrian and Sword Worlds to represent BtC information in the classic CT style map.

Did a few changes to the Year 0 page.
Fixed the spelling of Yelim on some of the year maps.

The link colors have all been changed to darken them.  This way they can be seen against a white, grey, or black background.
The Daryen page now has a separateHistory page so that the subsector maps are not buried.
Added links to BARD, OPAL and OPAL writeups for some Daryen worlds on the Landgrabs page.
Fixed the maps for Year 1120 and Year 1200 to include missing Amber Zones.
Reorganized the various Year pages to move some of the text below the maps.

Added a Bibliography for the Daryen pages.

Added links to the Citizens of the Imperium website to the Links page.
Added links from my Daryen year pages to my various Landgrabs.
Added links from my Daryen year pages to Antony Farrell's pages.

Added the writeup for the Daryen Landgrab.

Added a new Shipyard section to the page.  It currently includes some High Guard and GT ship designs.

Updated the history section of my Mire Landgrab.
Added my Entrope and Zamine Landgrabs.

Massively updated the Daryen and associated Year pages.

Updated the Year 1120 map based on GT Behind the Claw.  Will update the text soon.
Added a link to Schlock Mercenary from the Traveller page and from the Links page.

Added more Landgrab information.
Added a link to Freefall from the Traveller page and from the Links page.

Added my initial Landgrab information.  I will be expanding these, but wanted to go ahead and put up what I have.

Added the Year 1000 page.
Change the names of "Darrian" to "Daryen" to reflect the proper spelling.

Initial posting of my Traveller page, with general Darrian information.

