Landgrab Page

The official Landgrab page.

The Heaven and Earth program that makes this all possible.

Please note my disclaimer on others reusing these ideas.

I guess I am one of the few people interested in the Daryens.  (You would never know based on the price Alien Module 8 can fetch on eBay ...)  Not that I am complaining, as it allows me the freedom to cherry-pick my set of Daryen planets.

My primary focus in on the Classic Traveller, after the Fifth Frontier War, but before the Rebellion.  However, I will include information from the other time periods detailed on my Daryen page.

Here are my official Landgrab entries:

While detailing the grabs, I found some other worlds that seemed quite interesting.  These are not intended to be official Landgrab entries (at least not yet), but since I went through the effort of writing them up, here they are: All of the base information for these were created with the Heaven and Earth program.  Once I got something close to what I was looking for, I did, of course, massage the information.  But there is no way I could have created the detail presented here without using this amazing program.

Also, I am not the only one to have Daryen related Landgrabs.  These two have been done by Antony Farrell.  Be sure to check out his world maps.  They are incredible!

Also, Craig Janssen has a Daryen Landgrab.  He has a lot of information on the Darrians as a whole, and on the planet Daryen itself.

Finally, there was a tremendous effort to more fully document the New Era of Traveller.  The effort was under the banner of the "Bureau of Aggregate Reference Data" (or BARD).  One piece of BARD is the "Office of the Planetary Advisory Liaison" (or OPAL), which provides an expanded description of many planets in and around the former Imperium.  Within the OPAL effort several Daryen worlds were documented.

Even though these are presented from the time of TNE, the descriptions do help give insight to their situations in earlier eras.

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owned by Mike West.

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This site is of purely unofficial origin, and should in no way be considered official Traveller canon. Traveller is a trademark of Far Future Enterprises, Inc, and is used under licence by Mongoose Publishing.

Important Disclaimer!
All landgrabs listed herein are the results of my fevered imagination, but are all based on work done by others. I explicitly grant anyone the right to use, not use, steal, borrow, or whatever, any of these ideas in whole or in part. All of this is derived from someone else's ideas, and I have no right to make claims on them myself. While I would always appreciate credit for any of my ideas used by someone else, that is not required.
